Private Weaving Lessons

We offer the following three private classes opportunities with Virginia Murphy to learn and improve your weaving expertise:

1. One Day Weaving Workshop

  • Time: 10:30am - 3:30pm
  • Cost: $125.00 - if a Rigid Heddle loom is purchased from Silver Threads, the student will get $25.00 off the price of the class.
  • Students will learn how to warp a Rigid heddle loom and weave a sampler. The sampler includes the following patterns: Plain Weave, Leno, Brooks Bouquet, Clasped Weft. They will also learn how to use a pick-up stick with these patterns.

2. Two Day Weaving Workshop

  • Time: 10:30am - 3:30pm over a two day period
  • Cost: $200.00 - if a Rigid Heddle loom is purchased from Silver Threads, the student will get $25.00 off the price of the class.
  • Day One:  Students will learn how to warp a Rigid heddle loom and weave a sampler. The sampler includes the following patterns: Plain Weave, Leno, Brooks Bouquet, Clasped Weft. They will also learn how to use a pick-up stick with these patterns.
  • Day Two:  Students will warp a Rigid Heddle loom for the second project which is a scarf. Students will choose from a select group of yarns for the weft and the warp.
  • During the course of this two day class, students will also receive instruction on the following:
    • Types of fibers to use in weaving
    • How to choose color for weft and warp
    • How to sew a hemstitch at the beginning and end of a project
    • Various pattern variations to use in the sampler and/or scarf
    • Troubleshooting tips

3. Rigid Heddle Weaving 101

  • Time: class will last two hours, time to be decided by student and Virginia
  • Cost: $25.00
  • Virginia will use a warped loom to show different techniques. Student will not need to bring their loom to this class.
  • During the course of the class, the following topics will be covered:
    • Tips and tricks on using the Rigid Heddle loom
    • Common mistakes and how to fix them
    • Yarn master chart
    • Color and weave affect
    • How to warp for two threads per slot, one cone and two cones
    • Stripes in your warp
    • Yarns to be discussed: Gist, Lunatic Fringe, and Maurice Brassard


Give us a call at 828-349-0515 or email us at to schedule an appointment with Virginia Murphy.